Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby

Vanderhorstia phaeosticta

Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby

Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby

Vanderhorstia phaeosticta

(Randall, Chao and Chen, 2007)


Body design

This is very variable. In its palest form, the body is pale grey and has fine brown dots which are gathered into five patches evenly spaced along the body. In darker forms, these become more distinct and there are also, between them. small yellow patches, sometimes forming pairs of vertical lines In the darkest forms there is more black pigment and the body appears to have ten untidy bands. In addition, small blue iridescent patches are added to the mix, making a complex and variable pattern.

The head is darker above and paler below, but plain. The only pattern is a series of reflective blue and yellow squiggles.

Fin design

The dorsal fin is pentagonal, and translucent, with faint rows of yellow spots. These are continued on the rectangular second dorsal fin.

The pelvic fin may be opaque, bright yellow with a blue and then an orange-brown border, or opaque brown covered in blue speckles.

The anal fin is divided into a brown proximal and white distal band. the caudal fin is translucent with yellow and blue lines on the lower portion.

Diagnostic features

The most convincing feature is the brightly coloured pelvic fin.

Similar species

Tomiyamichthys species


Originally described in genus Ctenogobiops

Natural History


5 to 30 m depth in a substrate that varies from fine sand and silt to fairly coarse and clean sand. They are usually well away from the reef.


This is the most commonly encountered Vanderhorstia species. It behaves in an atypical way preferring to watch and feed perched on the ground. It is quite curious and does not always go into its burrow when approached by a diver. It will stay put allowing photography until, perhaps bored, it wanders away from the burrow. It is not uncommon to encounter one in the open, away from the burrow.

This is a strange fish. We have images of a pair at the burrow mouth with a working shrimp. One of the pair was from a different burrow where it lived with a shrimp of a different species.

We have observed and photographed Lizardfish catching and eating Yellowfoot Shrimpgobies, V phaeosticta.

Published distribution

East Indian region (Sumatra eastwards) south to New Caledonia and northward to Ryukyu Islands, Japan.

Our records

Papua New Guinea; New Britain

Solomon Islands; Gizo and Kolombangara Islands

Vanuatu; Ambrym Island

Australia; Lizard Island, Low Isles, Fitzroy Is, Ribbon Reefs and Whitsunday Islands.

Associated Shrimp species

Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Diagonal Barred Shrimp Alpheus rapacida
Diagonal Barred Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus rapacida
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Freckled Shrimp Alpheus species 3
Freckled Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 3
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Longbody Shrimp Alpheus species 6
Longbody Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 6
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Mottled Spot-tail Shrimp Alpheus species 7
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 7
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Pigpen Shrimp Alpheus rapacida
Pigpen Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus rapacida
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Red-Speckled Shrimp Alpheus species 10
Red-Speckled Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 10
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Tasselled Shrimp Alpheus species 14
Tasselled Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 14
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby with Titan Shrimp Alpheus rapax
Titan Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 15

Associated Shrimps (eight shrimps)

Diagonal Barred Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus rapacida

Freckled Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 3

Longbody Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 6

Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 7

Pigpen Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus rapacida

Red-Speckled Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 10

Tasselled Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 14

Titan Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 15

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