Monster Shrimpgoby

Tomiyamichthys oni

Tomiyamichthys oni Monster Shrimpgoby

Monster Shrimpgoby

Tomiyamichthys oni  

(Tomiyami, 1936)


Body design

This is a medium-sized goby that grows to 11 cm. Its body has a cream-coloured background that is paler ventrally. Three patterns of decoration are apparent. From the origin of the first dorsal fin to the caudal fin there are pupil-sized spots, variable in size and shape, scattered closely from the dorsum to the mid-lateral line and becoming fewer ventrally.

Secondly, there are four large lateral blotches evenly spaced within this zone.

Thirdly there are six smaller dorsal saddles

The head is unmarked across the snout and cheek apart from a brown diagonal line slanting down and back from the eye to the angle of the mandible. There are scattered spots over the gill cover and these may extend forward over the whole face in some individuals. This may be a juvenile feature. The eyes are brown dorsally. there is a prominent red-brown area on the nape extending back to the anterior origin of the first dorsal fin. This has a regular pattern of spots in a longitudinal linear arrangement.

Fin design

The first dorsal fin takes two forms. Both are tall, triangular and covered in brown spots which are concentrated centrally to make a dark patch. On the trailing edge of the male, there is a small black spot encircled anteriorly by a pale edge and in the female a larger black spot underlined by a broad crescent of white.

The second dorsal fin is rectangular and extends to the tail. It is pale brown with four rows of brown spots running longitudinally between the rays, and a pale margin.

The pectoral fin is opaque at its origin, then translucent with rows of fine pale-edged brown spots between the rays. It is often held downwards as if to give support to the pelvic fin. The pelvic fin is brown with radiating purple-blue lines. The anal fin is light brown with a darker brown edge. The caudal fin is rounded, cream centrally becoming translucent with brown streaks dorsally and ventrally.

Natural History


This goby lives in coarse sand with many shell fragments and small pebbles


T oni carries its pectoral fins downwards as if to support itself on them as well as the pelvic fins.


Published distribution

Northwestern Sumatra to New Caledonia and Palau, northward to Japan and East Indian region except Andaman sea.

Our records

Solomon Islands; Gizo, Kolombangara, Santa Isabel and Nggela Islands.

Associated Shrimp species

Tomiyamichthys oni Monster Shrimpgoby with Pink Pyjama Shrimp Alpheus ochrostriatus
Pink Pyjama Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus ochrostriatus
Tomiyamichthys oni Monster Shrimpgoby with Randall’s Shrimp Alpheus randalli
Randall’s Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus randalli
Tomiyamichthys oni Monster Shrimpgoby with Red Pyjama Snapping Shrimp
Red Pyjama Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus ochrostriatus
Tomiyamichthys oni Monster Shrimpgoby with Tiger Shrimp Alpheus bellulus
Tiger Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus bellulus

Associated Shrimps (four Shrimps)

Pink Pyjama Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus ochrostriatus 

Randall’s Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus randalli

Red Pyjama Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus ochrostriatus 

Tiger Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus bellulus

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