Allen's Shrimpgoby

Tomiyamichthys alleni

Tomiyamichthys alleni Allen’s Shrimpgoby

Allen’s Shrimpgoby

Tomiyamichthys alleni

Iwata, Ohnishi and Hirata, 2000


Body design

Body pale grey above and white ventrally with 5 or 6 dark brown saddles which extend ventrally as tapering bars. Maximum size is 5cm long.

Head and body have scattered dark-edged orange spots. Distinctive black diagonal line sloping back from below the eye.

Fin design

The first two rays of the first dorsal fin are elongated, making this part taller. The remainder is curved with two black spots on the posterior aspect. Dorsal fins have orange spots. There is a large white patch at the base of the pectoral fins.

Diagnostic features

The elongated first two rays and two black spots on the posterior edge of the first dorsal fin are distinctive.

The body has 5 or 6 dark brown saddles that extend ventrally as tapering bars.

There is a distinctive black diagonal line sloping back from below the eye.

Similar species

T latruncularius, Fan Shrimpgoby, In which the male has a triangular fin. This differs in that the rays extend well beyond the margin, and also in lacking the black patches.

T oni, Monster Shrimpgoby, in which the triangular dorsal fins have a brown patch centrally and a single black spot on the trailing margin.

T lanceolatus, has a triangular dorsal fin with two black spots on the trailing edge, but the shape of the triangle is different

Natural History


In Solomon Islands on bare coarse sand flat in an area of strong currents. 


Both fish may sit at the entrance to the burrow and face different directions while the shrimp is active


Published distribution

Indonesia (Bali and Flores), South Japan and Fiji.

Our records

Solomon Islands; Santa Isabel Island. We have only encountered this species once, many years ago and consequently our images are very poor. 

Associated Shrimp species

Tomiyamichthys alleni Allen’s Shrimpgoby with Randall’s Shrimp Alpheus randalli
Randall’s Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus randalli

Associated Shrimps (one Shrimp)

Randall’s Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus randalli

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