Multi-Barred Shrimpgoby

Cryptocentrus multicinctus

Cryptocentrus multicinctus Multi-Barred Shrimpgoby

Multi-barred Shrimpgoby

Cryptocentrus multicinctus

Allen and Randall, 2011


This is a large goby, approximately 12 cm long. 

Body design 

The body is grey with 14 to 15 fine white lines, sometimes enclosing alternating pale and dark bars and creating a banded appearance. 

The head is decorated with reflective diagonal blue lines and spots. Dark brown patches are present between the blue diagonals. 

Fin design 

The first dorsal fin is brown with the rays highlighted in pale cream. has a yellow margin. The second dorsal fin is more translucent and the bases of the fin ray highlights are reflective blue. The margin is iridescent blue. The pelvic fins are opaque grey with paler highlights on the rays. The anal fin is translucent with reflective blue highlights on the rays. The caudal fin is similarly translucent with reflective blue highlights on the rays and spots on the caudal peduncle. The pectoral fin is transparent. 

Diagnostic features

The large size and close banding are diagnostic. 

Similar species

Natural History


This goby thrives in silty lagoon conditions with fine clayey sand at 15 metres, and some current. 


They are wary and this and the silt stirred up by the working shrimps make it difficult to obtain clear images


Published distribution:

Palau, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines. 

Our Records:

Solomon Islands; Kolombangara Island. 

Associated Shrimp species

Cryptocentrus multicinctus Multi-Barred Shrimpgoby with Red and White Shrimp Alpheus species 8
Red and White Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 8
Cryptocentrus multicinctus Multi-Barred Shrimpgoby with Diagonal Barred Shrimp Alpheus rapacida
Diagonal Barred Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus rapacida

Associated Shrimps (two shrimps)

Diagonal Barred Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus rapacida

Red and White Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 8

They are partnered by a very specific shrimp in the Solomon Islands. This is the Red and White Snapping Shrimp. Gerry Allen has an image of the same partnership at New Ireland,  Papua New Guinea (Allen and Erdman 2012). Juveniles have occasionally been seen with the Diagonal Barred Snapping Shrimp.

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