Red-Whiskered Snapping Shrimp

Alpheus species 11

Red-Whiskered Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus species 11

Red Whiskered Snapping Shrimp

Alpheus species 11



Carapace: Pale grey with two grey bands on the dorsum and two grey patches on the side, the anterior diamond-shaped and the second more linear. 

The abdomen is pale grey with a dark grey band on each segment, a white band on segment 1, and smaller patches on segments 2 and 4. There is a brown patch laterally on each segment. 

The legs are light grey with a red-grey spot above the joint. 

The rostrum is grey. 

The antennae contrast sharply with the rest of this rather drab animal, being bright red. 

The pincers are light grey with three dark grey patches along their length. 

Mottled dark on light grey shrimp with red antennae. 

Similar Shrimps

Mottled Spottail Shrimp is similar but has bolder banding on the carapace, a prominent black spot on the abdomen and grey antennae.


Undescribed species, no written or photographic records apart from ours from the Solomon Islands. 



Preferred substrate Fine sand bottom with a mixture of silt and vegetable matter within low visibility sheltered waters subject to slight tidal current. 

Depth range 10 to 20 metres. 

Proximity to reef  Burrows are excavated a few metres from the enclosing reef


A small shrimp that associates with a variety of shrimpgobies in a relatively difficult habitat where the more common shrimps are not found. Pairs commonly work in unison. 

The somewhat hazy pattern in shades of grey creates an impressive cryptic camouflage against the usual mixed silt and broken-down vegetable matter that is this shrimp’s habitat. The reason for the bright red antennae is unclear. It is not obviously of benefit to the shrimp or goby, though they may draw attention away from the shrimp itself. 

In the same habitat at the same location, we find the Red and White Snapping Shrimp but there is almost complete separation in their partner gobies, with Cryptocentrus fasciatus, the Y-bar Shrimpgoby being the only species in common. 


Published distribution:


Our records: 

Solomon Islands; Kolombangara Island. 

Associated Goby species

Red-Whiskered Snapping Shrimp with Cryptocentrus fasciatus, Y-bar Shrimpgoby
Cryptocentrus fasciatus, Y-bar Shrimpgoby
Red-Whiskered Snapping Shrimp with Mahidolia mystacina, Smiling Shrimpgoby
Mahidolia mystacina, Smiling Shrimpgoby
Red-Whiskered Snapping Shrimp with Vanderhorstia ambanoro, Twinspot Shrimpgoby
Vanderhorstia ambanoro, Twinspot Shrimpgoby

Associated Shrimpgobies (three species)

Cryptocentrus fasciatus, Y-bar Shrimpgoby

Mahidolia mystacina, Smiling Shrimpgoby

Vanderhorstia ambanoro, Twinspot Shrimpgoby

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