Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp

Alpheus species 7

Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp

Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp

Alpheus species 7



A grey shrimp with conspicuous dark and pale bands on the abdomen. 

The carapace is very uniform in contrast to the abdomen. Viewed from above there are two indistinct dark grey bands. These extend onto the side as diagonal markings enclosing an indistinct epaulette. There are no lines that continue horizontally into the abdominal pattern. 

The segments of the abdomen are separated by narrow black bands. In the middle of each segment, there are alternating contrasting grey and white lines which are very distinctive. There is a distinct black spot on the side of the 4th segment. 

The rostrum and antennae are grey. 

The chelae are grey with two or three distinct dark grey-brown bands. 

The chelate second legs are red-tinged grey with pale joints. 

The walking legs are red-tinged grey with darker bands on either side of the yellow joints. 

The tail fan is grey with brown centred scutes and usually has white setae. 

Similar Shrimps

Perhaps the easiest to confuse is the Titan Shrimp but that has a strongly longitudinal pattern of well-defined stripes from carapace to tail whereas the fragmented pattern of the Mottled Spottail Shrimp is transverse. 


Undescribed species, no records apart from ours from Australia and the Solomon Islands. 



Preferred substrate fine sand mixed with shell debris, sometimes in Halophila sea-grass sea beds. 

Depth range 10 to 25 metres

Proximity to reef Burrows are on open sand flats well away from the reef. 


A shrimp that makes vertical burrows in compacted fine sand at moderate depths. It forms partnerships with at least nine different shrimpgoby species, mostly from the genera Vanderhorstia and Cryptocentrus. These are mostly smaller gobies and this shrimp fills its niche leaving the larger shrimps that share the habitat to associate with other, larger species of gobies. 


Published distribution: None. 

Our records:

Australia; Lizard Island, Low Isles. 

Solomon Islands; Ghizo, Kolombangara Island. 

Papua New Guinea; New Ireland. 

Associated Goby species

Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Amblyeleotris stenotaeniata, Thinbar Shrimpgoby
Amblyeleotris stenotaeniata, Thinbar Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Cryptocentrus fasciatus, Y-bar Shrimpgoby
Cryptocentrus fasciatus, Y-bar Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Cryptocentrus melanopus, Singapore Shrimpgoby
Cryptocentrus melanopus, Singapore Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Cryptocentrus sericus, Ventral-barred Shrimpgoby
Cryptocentrus sericus, Ventral-barred Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Mahidolia mystacina, Smiling Shrimpgoby
Mahidolia mystacina, Smiling Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Vanderhorstia ambanoro, Twinspot Shrimpgoby
Vanderhorstia ambanoro, Twinspot Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Vanderhorstia dorsomacula, Dorsal Spot Shrimpgoby
Vanderhorstia dorsomacula, Dorsal Spot Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Vanderhorstia nobilis, Majestic Shrimpgoby
Vanderhorstia nobilis, Majestic Shrimpgoby
Mottled Spot-tail Snapping Shrimp with Vanderhorstia phaeosticta, Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby
Vanderhorstia phaeosticta, Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby

Associated Shrimpgobies (nine species)

Amblyeleotris stenotaeniata, Thinbar Shrimpgoby

Cryptocentrus fasciatus, Y-bar Shrimpgoby

Cryptocentrus melanopus, Singapore Shrimpgoby

Cryptocentrus sericus, Ventral-barred Shrimpgoby

Mahidolia mystacina, Flagtail Shrimpgoby

Vanderhorstia ambanoro, Twinspot Shrimpgoby

Vanderhorstia dorsomacula, Dorsal Spot Shrimpgoby

Vanderhorstia nobilis, Majestic Shrimpgoby

Vanderhorstia phaeosticta, Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby

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