Brown Pyjama Shrimp

Alpheus ochrostriatus complex

Brown Pyjama Shrimp

Brown Pyjama Shrimp

Alpheus ochrostriatus complex



Carapace: The carapace is medium brown, with ten pairs of longitudinal darker brown stripes that give it an overall brown look. These stripes are continued on the abdomen giving it a similar brown appearance. The same lines are usually present on the sides of the carapace but may be absent or replaced by brown speckling. 

The abdomen has a pattern that is a repeat of the carapace, in the same colours. It is intersected by a conspicuous white band on segment 1 and white spots on segments 4 and 5. 

The rostrum is a contrasting yellow but the antennae are grey. 

The chelae have yellow-green carpus and merus but the Pincers are dark brown, sometimes stippled with paler grey-brown. 

The chelate second legs are yellow-green. 

The walking legs are yellow, contrasting with the brown body. 

The tail fan has yellow scutes. 

Identifying Features 

This has the typical pattern of a pyjama shrimp, just the colours vary. The carapace, abdomen and pincers are brown with the rostrum, legs and tail dull yellow-green. 

It is very similar to the Yellow Pyjama Shrimp but can be distinguished by its plain brown, lightly stippled pincers. The Yellow Pyjama Shrimp has pale yellow pincers decorated with reddish lines. 

Similar Shrimps

We identify three main groups of Pyjama Shrimp based on colour. They differ consistently in colour, habitat and associations. Pair formation only involves individuals of the same colour form. 

The Yellow Pyjama Shrimp group, to which the Brown Pyjama Shrimp belongs, includes all forms with yellow or green legs, tail and rostrum and a pale ochre to dark brown carapace and abdomen. The Yellow Pyjama Shrimp itself may be confused with this species but is more grey with brighter yellow appendages and pale pincers. The primary distinction lies in ecology and shrimp associations. (There is also an orange form that belongs to this group). 

The Pink Pyjama Shrimp group (includes a grey type) is grey with pink extremities and can also be differentiated by habitat and associations. All grey forms are currently included in this designation although we have not recorded them forming mixed pairs with the pink form. 

The Red Pyjama Shrimp has a distinctively different dark red carapace and has different geographical distribution, habitat and associations. 


This is one of the shrimps commonly grouped under the species name Alpheus ochrostriatus (itself an invalid name). The group can be split into four, possibly more, by colour, habitat and associations. These are the Yellow Pyjama Shrimp, the Pink Pyjama Shrimp, the Brown Pyjama Shrimp and the Red Pyjama Shrimp. 

Ryanskiy (2016) p6. has images of a similar-looking shrimp and gives the name Alpheus ochrostriatus, with the common name White Saddle Snapping Shrimp. Length up to 7 cm. 

He presents a second image, supposedly of the same species, but we would call it the Pink Pyjama Shrimp. 

We have not seen this shrimp form a pair with any of the other coloured Pyjama Shrimp species described on this website. 


HABITAT Widespread in medium to fine sand, sometimes with coral debris. They live in a range of non-silty sands and we have found them on black sand in Vanuatu, white sand in the Solomon Islands, and coarse sand rubble in Australia. 

Depth ranges from 12 to 30 metres, rather deeper than the similar Yellow Pyjama Shrimp. 

Proximity to reef Preferred habitat is a short distance away from the reef edge. 


The Natural History of this and other Pyjama Shrimps is critically tied to depth and habitat and is reflected in the associations each shrimp forms with the available shrimpgobies, 

There is a depth demarcation between the territory of the Yellow and Brown Pyjama Shrimps. The Brown Pyjama Shrimp forms associations primarily with the shrimpgobies that favour moderate depths. They alone form a partnership with Redspotted Shrimpgoby Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis, and Broadbanded Shrimpgoby Amblyeleotris periophthalma. 

The Yellow Pyjama Shrimp on the other hand associates with shallow water gobies and is the only shrimp that forms associations with the Burgundy Shrimpgoby, Amblyeleotris wheeleri and Blackchest Shrimpgoby Amblyeleotris guttata. We have no record of the brown with A wheeleri and only a single record of it with A guttata. 

The Pink Pyjama shrimp overlaps the Brown in depth and has a not dissimilar habitat and yet eight of the gobies it associates with have not been seen with the Brown. The only overlap involves three species notable for the range of depth, habitat and shrimp associations they enjoy. (A steinitzi, C pomastictus, T nudus). 


Published distribution: (of undifferentiated Alpheus ochrostriatus group) 

Red Sea, Maldives, Philippines and Papua New Guinea (Debelius, 2001). Indo-Pacific: Red Sea, Oman, Seychelles, Maldives, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia and Australia (Ryanskiy, 2016). Widespread Indo-Pacific and Indonesia; Flores and Bali (Kuiter and Debelius, 2009). 

Our records: 

Australia; Flynn Reef, Lizard Island, Low Isles, Ribbon Reef 3, Lena Reef, Outer Whitsunday Reefs. 

Papua New Guinea; Tallili Bay in New Britain. 

Solomon Islands; Ghizo, Russell Islands, Nggela Islands. 

Vanuatu; Ambae and Paama Islands. 

Associated Goby species

Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Amblyeleotris guttata, Blackchest Shrimpgoby
Amblyeleotris guttata, Blackchest Shrimpgoby
Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Amblyeleotris gymnocephala, Mask Shrimpgoby
Amblyeleotris gymnocephala, Mask Shrimpgoby
Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis, Redspotted Shrimpgoby
Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis, Redspotted Shrimpgoby
Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Amblyeleotris periophthalma, Broadbanded Shrimpgoby
Amblyeleotris periophthalma, Broadbanded Shrimpgoby
Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Amblyeleotris steinitzi, Steinitz’s Shrimpgoby
Amblyeleotris steinitzi, Steinitz’s Shrimpgoby
Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Ctenogobiops crocineus, Silverspot Shrimpgoby
Ctenogobiops crocineus, Silverspot Shrimpgoby
Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Ctenogobiops pomastictus, Goldspeckled Shrimpgoby
Ctenogobiops pomastictus, Goldspeckled Shrimpgoby
Brown Pyjama Shrimp with Tomiyamichthys nudus, Scaleless Shrimpgoby
Tomiyamichthys nudus, Scaleless Shrimpgoby

Associated Shrimpgobies (eight species)

Amblyeleotris guttata, Blackchest Shrimpgoby

Amblyeleotris gymnocephala, Mask Shrimpgoby

Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis, Redspotted Shrimpgoby

Amblyeleotris periophthalma, Broadbanded Shrimpgoby

Amblyeleotris steinitzi, Steinitz’s Shrimpgoby

Ctenogobiops crocineus, Silverspot Shrimpgoby

Ctenogobiops pomastictus, Goldspeckled Shrimpgoby

Tomiyamichthys nudus, Scaleless Shrimpgoby



A pair of Brown Pyjama Shrimp bulldozing a channel out from the entrance of the burrow. (to be added later)

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